Saturday, December 7, 2019

Lincoln Douglas Outline free essay sample

Whichever you choose, be sure that your attention-getter makes sense to the case and hat it is explained. . Provide a Resolution Analysis. Say the precise wording of the topic so your judge knows exactly what is being debated. Explain what the resolution is asking -? most require that you choose between two values (ex. Resolved: Individuality should be valued above community), other topics have implied values which require a little more explanation. Ill. Offer Definitions. Clearly define the vital words/phrases in the resolution and cite the dictionary or encyclopedia you used.Make sure the definitions you choose support hat you are arguing definitions matter sometimes they decide who wins and loses the debate! IV. Propose a Value. A value is an ideal held by individuals, societies, or governments that serves as the highest goal to be protected/achieved. In general, the debater will establish a value which focuses the central questions of the resolution and will serve as a foundation for argumentation. We will write a custom essay sample on Lincoln Douglas Outline or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Explain how the value relates to the topic. V. Offer a Criterion.You should present a criterion (a standard) which should be used to: ; Explain owe the value should be protected, respected, maximized, or achieved. ; Measure whether a given side or argument protects, respects, maximizes, or achieves the value. The relationship between the value and the criterion should be clearly stated. VI. Present Contention 1. Provide a tagging or brief title to the argument. Introduce the claim or argument you are making (ex. Capital punishment deters crime). Introduce your warrant ; the reason your claim is true. Offer valid evidence that supports your claim (ex. According to the Attorney General, states that have the death penalty have less violent crime). Explain the impact of your argument on the debate. Be sure to relate your argument back to the resolution and explain how this argument helps to uphold the value (ex. Because capital punishment decreases crime it upholds Justice, which is the most important value in todays round). VII. Present Contention 2. Is the claim clear? Is valid evidence offered? Is the warrant clear? (Is the piece of evidence explained, how does it apply to the resolution?

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