Monday, November 18, 2019

Continuity Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Continuity Planning - Essay Example The actions to be taken to recover items likely to be partially disturbed or fully disturbed are determined. The anticipated repercussions are also discussed. In the interest of the company, if the disaster recovery is to be effective, the plan of action has to be periodically studied and modified as and when necessary. In other words, Continuity Planning emphasizes the requirement to safeguard the company's structure, asset, wealth, reputation and image. Apart from natural disasters like illness, fire, earth quake etc, attacks by terrorists and attacks on the information technology systems by viruses are also looked into. The chief objective of Continuity Planning is not only to prevent the disaster but to ensure normal functions of the company in the event of a disaster with bare minimum loss of time, material and money. That is important. Obviously Disaster Recovery Planning is a part of Continuity Planning. In fact they go together. According to statistics, man-made and natural disasters have increased considerably. The company authorities have realized the importance of taking necessary steps. An adversity can strike an establishment at any time. Prevention is always better. But it may not be possible always. What to do if a disaster crops up Or what should have been done in anticipation of it The directors of the company turn their eyes to Continuity Planning, which is a sort of risk management, for building security. "Continuity planning" has replaced "disaster recovery planning". If it is adopted sensibly, not only the enterprise can survive the onslaught but it can also bounce back majestically. Continuity Planning Audits have the ability to participate in the Continuity Planning actively for the good of the company. They are also capable of identifying a company's financial loopholes. Destruction caused by disaster is only a part of the story. There are other more critical problems - Losing data, losing business, losing customers, losing reputation, losing money, relocation, repairs are only some of them. All these give everlasting nightmare to the company. That apart, the company is answerable to shareholders, employees, clients and so on. It should have been the company's responsibility to take precautionary measures. The company may be taken to task legally by the shareholders. All these factors add to the concern of the company management. According to Pat McAnally, director of marketing at SunGard Planning Solutions in Wayne, Pennsylvania (Rodetis, 1999), "Professional service companies are starting to appreciate and protect the intellectual capital of a business". Any company without Continuity Planning will fail to meet its statutory obligations; and the company may be penalized for neglecting continuity planning. So most of the companies are seriously adhering to it. Pat McAnally (Rodetis, 1999) says, "Contingency plans are also a regular part of requirements by the office of the comptroller of the currency". Continuity Planning is for preserving and protecting all the records and valuables of an enterprise such that the company can go ahead with its operations without any sort of hindrance. Taking steps to minimize risk is far reasonable than recovering from a mishap. Each minute of idle time of man, machinery and other equipment in an organization amounts to waste of money. If such a situation is not put under control the company runs the risk of closing down. The biggest headache of a manager is undoubtedly

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