Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Art Critique

When first given the assignment to visit an art gallery or exhibition, I have to admit that I was not very enthused. I am not much of an â€Å"artsy† person, nor do I like to visit museums, but I thought to myself that this may be an interesting way to see what all the hype was about. So on a rainy afternoon, my friends and I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and began our project. To be honest, I had always thought that art museums were filled with old paintings by dead people, but I was completely wrong. As I walked through the MET, I was fascinated by what I saw. I was taken back by how big everything was and by the various rooms in which my friends and I entered. While we were on the 2nd floor, I stumbled across a room filled with black and white photos, only to later find out that it was a special exhibit by Richard Avedon (at the time I had no idea who he was, but I later found out by someone, that he was a famous photographer). Immediately, I fell in love with thi s exhibit, because I am a huge fan of black and white photography, so at that point I decided to do my project on this exhibit. As I walked around the room, I noticed that all the pictures taken were of famous icons from the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. This only intrigued me more and before long, I came across a photograph of Marilyn Monroe. I couldn’t believe how amazing this picture was because I myself have many black and white photographs of her in my room at home, but this one was different. Although she was all dressed up in a black (or so it seemed) dress and looked beautiful, there was something about her facial expression in the photo that I have never seen before. She looked as if she was sad and the picture captured that exact feeling. Another interesting photo was that of a man covered with bees. At first I was disgusted with the picture, but then I began to see it as a very interesting photograph. I wondered how the man felt with all those bee... Free Essays on Art Critique Free Essays on Art Critique When first given the assignment to visit an art gallery or exhibition, I have to admit that I was not very enthused. I am not much of an â€Å"artsy† person, nor do I like to visit museums, but I thought to myself that this may be an interesting way to see what all the hype was about. So on a rainy afternoon, my friends and I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and began our project. To be honest, I had always thought that art museums were filled with old paintings by dead people, but I was completely wrong. As I walked through the MET, I was fascinated by what I saw. I was taken back by how big everything was and by the various rooms in which my friends and I entered. While we were on the 2nd floor, I stumbled across a room filled with black and white photos, only to later find out that it was a special exhibit by Richard Avedon (at the time I had no idea who he was, but I later found out by someone, that he was a famous photographer). Immediately, I fell in love with thi s exhibit, because I am a huge fan of black and white photography, so at that point I decided to do my project on this exhibit. As I walked around the room, I noticed that all the pictures taken were of famous icons from the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. This only intrigued me more and before long, I came across a photograph of Marilyn Monroe. I couldn’t believe how amazing this picture was because I myself have many black and white photographs of her in my room at home, but this one was different. Although she was all dressed up in a black (or so it seemed) dress and looked beautiful, there was something about her facial expression in the photo that I have never seen before. She looked as if she was sad and the picture captured that exact feeling. Another interesting photo was that of a man covered with bees. At first I was disgusted with the picture, but then I began to see it as a very interesting photograph. I wondered how the man felt with all those bee...

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