Saturday, November 2, 2019

Tom Peters on Uncertainty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tom Peters on Uncertainty - Essay Example There is a great challenge to management to meet the changing landscape and capitalize on the new economies. Tom Peters was telling us that there is a brave new world of business and our management structures and organizations must be equipped to meet the uncertainty of the 21st century. The post bureaucratic era has introduced many new norms for institutions and business. While the staid structures of clearly defined hierarchy may have served history well, they can not keep pace with the speed of change in today's world. By understanding that we are faced with continual uncertainty, organizations can restructure to take advantage of that change. Networking and team concept approaches can offer the ability of an organization to react and act in the face of sudden change. While many opportunities will exist, it is the organizational structure most adept at handling change that will define the success from the failure. The globalization of capitalism has also presented new markets and manufacturing bases. Yet, here again the organization is faced with uncertainty. The firm may find itself embroiled in international politics or environmental issues that may threaten to sink their investment. The venture must be structured in such a fashion that they can withstand the assault of the unknown.

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