Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Vampires Are Becoming An Important Figure Of Modern...

Vampires are becoming an important figure in modern culture through the showing of television shows, movies, and novels. Most people think vampires are immortal creatures that suck blood from people and rise from the dead. Many people are not aware of the people in the world that consider themselves vampires. They are real, and they have formed communities. A real vampire is someone who identifies themselves as a vampire. These are not the vampires from the myths and folklore. There really is no definition of a vampire. Some drink blood to sustain their health; and others do not. They are not all the same; they do what they believe in, not what everyone else does. To try and understand vampirism, one must consider the experiences of the individual vampire and the larger vampire community. There are many different classifications of people involved within the vampire community. The first classification is â€Å"fangdom†. This is a diverse group that loves variety or fiction gen res such as Vampire Diaries and Twilight. Many will costume play their characters at fan gatherings. The second classification is the scholars. These are people who study the modern vampire culture and mythology. They don’t identify themselves as vampires, but they are a definite part of the vampire community. Another classification is the roleplayers. These people are lovers of live action roleplay, or LARP. They act out as their characters at nightclubs, hotel spaces, and gaming conventions. The fourthShow MoreRelatedVampires Real?1083 Words   |  5 PagesVampires Are Real With today’s media a fascination with monsters has risen to an all-time high. One monster in particular, though, has become the center point for all attention, the vampire. Many believe the existence of vampires is just a myth. One valid arguments of non-believers is that if vampires did exist, wouldn’t they have depleted their food source? Early legends of vampires are supported by the belief that people suffering from a deadly, but rare, blood disease not vampirism. BelieversRead MoreThe Mystery Of Vampires From Folklore Tales1622 Words   |  7 Pagesmonsters have been a part of culture since the dawn of mankind. Over time, these gothic entities transformed into specific characters with names, features, and appearances. One particular monster that sustained themselves over time have been vampires. In fact, stories of vampires have been with civilization for centuries. The exact origin of vampires is unknown and there have been many speculations and theories of these monsters’ origins. Many scholars believe that vampires originated from folkloreRead MoreEssay on Dracula and the Modern Vampire1622 Words   |  7 PagesDracula, the original vampire. Bram Stoker’s famous novel Dracula, which was written in 1897, started the vampire craze that still lasts today. It has sparked numerous novels, movies, and songs across the world through the year, and its popularity is still growing. As times have changed, so have Dracula and his predecessors. Dracula is about Count Dracula meeting this human Jonathan Harker for business and Jonathan along with his friends learn that Count Dracula is a vampire. In the end Count DraculaRead MoreTwilight: Gender Representations and Sexuality in Vampire Tales1073 Words   |  5 PagesTwilight: Gender Representations and Sexuality in Vampire Tales For a long time, storytellers used the bloodsucking undead to portray a sexual deviant. Wilson acknowledged that the vampire theme is first found as a popular reaction of Polidoris story in 1819 (579). The Twilight Saga, a romantic sci-fi movie adaptation of modern vampires, has grossed over $3.3 billion in worldwide sales, states Wikipedia (Par 1). The primary element that holds the audiences attention is the sexual tension betweenRead MoreDracula by Bram Stoker: Modern Man to Enduring Romance1688 Words   |  7 Pagespowerful, brilliant masculine figure, and through these characteristics, he appeals to the contemporary reader. By the late 20th and early 21st century, vampires have been transformed into creatures that offer endless happiness and immortality on earth. Such a transformation can be seen in Francis Ford Coppola’s 1992 production of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Instead of viewing the Faustian dream of endless self-gratification and fulfillment as potentially ev il, popular culture depicts these satanic creaturesRead MoreInverted Gender Roles: Dracula by Bram Stoker1465 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Victorian man and woman are inverted to draw attention to the similarities between Dracula and the characters. Vague to a majority of readers, Bram Stoker uses Dracula as a negative connotation on society being that the values of the Victorian culture are inverted amongst the sexes of characters, thus pointing out the similarities of the characters and the so called â€Å"monster† which they call Dracula. Bram Stoker’s use of gender inversion is first evident in the novel when Dracula’s voluptuousRead MoreThe Anxieties Of Modernity In Frankenstein And Dracula981 Words   |  4 Pagestend to surface through important themes, characters and settings. Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley in 1818 and Dracula written by Bram Stoker in 1897 both share this characteristic by working through the anxieties of modernity, here meaning â€Å"the condition of being modern† , specifically between new world science and technology versus old world spirituality and faith. This manifests predominantly as the old traditional values of Europe contrasting with the rapid and modern changes within EnglandRead MoreMosters Misunderstood: How Fear Creates the Moster Archetype in Myhology2105 Words   |  9 Pagesthose people or cultures that we fear or do not understand. This can be seen throughout time, but the most noticeable ones are: the myth of vampires, especially Dracula, from E astern Europe, the urban legends that surround homosexuals, and the stereotypes that society has about the Muslim religion. The Vampires: Fathers of Monster Myth One of the most interesting and misunderstood cultures is that of the Eastern Europeans and, most notably, the myths of the vampires. Vampire myth has its greatestRead More Sex and Sexuality in Dracula Essay2477 Words   |  10 Pagesconfronts Victorian fears of homosexuality; that were current at the time due to the trial of playwright Oscar Wilde. The vampires embrace could also be interpreted as an illustration of Victorian fears of the changing role of women. Therefore it is important to consider: the historical context of the novel; the Victorian notion of the `New Woman specifically the character of Lucy Westenra; the inversion of gender roles; notions of sexuality; and the emasculation of men, by lessening their power overRead MoreThe New Vampire: Bram Stokers Dracula and Anne Rices Interview with the Vampire2047 Words   |  9 PagesThe vampire has been a mysterious and enticing figure since its entrance into popular culture, usually regarded as the tale Dracula written i n 1897 by Bram Stoker. Stoker, and later Anne Rice, as well as many other writers and directors have capitalized on the fascination the public has with these dark creatures of the night. Whether they are in books or on the big screen vampires capture our imagination, tantalizing us with a taste of the darker side of life. But if vampires are so dark and so

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Minister s Black Veil - 1775 Words

The Minister s Black Veil No one is perfect because everyone commits sin. However, there are people in the world who develop hatred towards others for committing mistakes when they themselves have done wrong. In the Puritan society many years ago, Puritans expected their minister to be a very holy human being. A minister was envisioned to be someone who will be a guiding hand for people who have lost their way and who will stand as a role model for others to look up to. If a minister was suspected or proven to have done something disgraceful or unholy, the society may resent him. In the Minister’s Black Veil, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Reverend Hooper’s alienation represented through the black veil, illustrates how the society surrounding†¦show more content†¦Many years later,â€Å"His health began to fail †¦ experiencing slowness of thought. For months, he refused to seek medical help and died in his sleep on May 19, 1864, at Plymouth, New Hampshire† (Biography.com). All the o bstacles Hawthorne had gone through in his life influenced his writing. He created his characters with a sense of alienation and guilt. The character’s alienation reveals much about the surrounding community. Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote the â€Å"Minister’s Black Veil† as a story about a minister named Mr. Hooper, who was alienated by the people around him for wearing a black veil.This story is also a parable for it displays a moral and spiritual lesson, which is to not judge others for committing mistakes while one should accept his or her own misdeeds. The story started with a sexton pulling at the bell-rope at a meeting house in the village of Milford. Seconds later, a minister known as Reverend Hooper appeared. People who saw him were all astonished to see the minister with a black veil swathed about his forehead.When he delivered his sermon, everyone was more attentive than usual. He spoke about secret sins which initiated the suspicion amongst the congregation that he has committed a shameful act. Later in the day, Reverend Hooper, still wearing the veil, held a funeral service for a young lady. A rumor had started about how the corpse shuddered when the minister lo oked at it up close. After the funeral, Hooper conducted a wedding for

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Political and Administrative Theories Free Essays

John Stuart Mill in his book â€Å"On Liberty† argues that civil liberty is not something that is widely spread out much in human history. He acknowledges that despotism is the government’s legitimate mode in dealing with barbarians towards creating prospects in the future life of the people. He continues to say that once mankind is capable of being controlled by his own improvement through persuasion or conviction, it therefore implies the passive possession of mankind in the modalities of governance. We will write a custom essay sample on Political and Administrative Theories or any similar topic only for you Order Now The compulsive style of ruling is no longer a means of rule that may be accepted (John, 1863). Mill argues that an individual’s decision over his own mind and body implies personal sovereignty. It sounds sensible and convincing though there is no simplicity in the issue of liberty. Mill believes that, the only freedom that requires conviction is the one in which we are able to pursue our own good in a way that is of our own desire. This aspect will only be possible when we do not happen to impede or deprive the efforts of others in pursuing their own good. He constantly indicates that there is no deal that is of great to worry or say about liberty prior to the final hurdle that one gets. In many areas and aspects of humanity, liberty is spelt as having various difficulties (John, 1863). In his book, Mill talks about the liberty of discussion and thought. He believes that it is important that every person can give whatever they belief on regardless of how it crushes the majority. Consequently, every person’s voice should be given the opportunity of evaluation since it reflects the conceptions held by an individual. Thomas Huxley `Evolution and Ethics’. Thomas Huxley in his book of evolution and ethics uses the two approaches of serious misapplication and morally repugnant Darwinian Theory to the subject of ethics. He states that a society progresses best through those people who prove themselves ethically and fit physically. In his book, Huxley says that there is a war between the psyches of human within themselves. He further states that humans are alienated in the societies’ moral precepts and in cosmos. They are perceived as important in conflict with the existence of the natural conditions. Huxley however saw the dictates of morality as the key in human future for his success and happiness (Thomas, 1958). He however states that natural selection needs not to be deemed as a mixture of blessing, but as a mixture that is damnable. Additionally, natural selection is not a natural evil. He gives the examples of floods, hurricanes and earthquakes killing people as natural evils. These are evils that are unequivocal, but distinct from a point that is capable of leading us into a condemnatory and a retributive mind frame. Elsewhere, he states that natural selection is neither culpably nor intentionally evil. It is only people’s ways and action that are evil. The natural selection evils are quite sinister than those which are derived from competition in death or life for necessities that are scarce (Thomas, 1958). It is the perversity that is heightened of evil due to the good of natural selection as found in one organism when compared to the evil of another organism evil. He continues to say that the good of one organism in one respect is its own evil in the respect of another organism. Consequently, anything that has good also posses evil. Reference John Stuart Mill (1863) On Liberty. London, Longmans, Green Reader and Dyer Thomas Haxley (1958) Evolution and Ethics. London, Routledge How to cite Political and Administrative Theories, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Lincoln Douglas Outline free essay sample

Whichever you choose, be sure that your attention-getter makes sense to the case and hat it is explained. . Provide a Resolution Analysis. Say the precise wording of the topic so your judge knows exactly what is being debated. Explain what the resolution is asking -? most require that you choose between two values (ex. Resolved: Individuality should be valued above community), other topics have implied values which require a little more explanation. Ill. Offer Definitions. Clearly define the vital words/phrases in the resolution and cite the dictionary or encyclopedia you used.Make sure the definitions you choose support hat you are arguing definitions matter sometimes they decide who wins and loses the debate! IV. Propose a Value. A value is an ideal held by individuals, societies, or governments that serves as the highest goal to be protected/achieved. In general, the debater will establish a value which focuses the central questions of the resolution and will serve as a foundation for argumentation. We will write a custom essay sample on Lincoln Douglas Outline or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Explain how the value relates to the topic. V. Offer a Criterion.You should present a criterion (a standard) which should be used to: ; Explain owe the value should be protected, respected, maximized, or achieved. ; Measure whether a given side or argument protects, respects, maximizes, or achieves the value. The relationship between the value and the criterion should be clearly stated. VI. Present Contention 1. Provide a tagging or brief title to the argument. Introduce the claim or argument you are making (ex. Capital punishment deters crime). Introduce your warrant ; the reason your claim is true. Offer valid evidence that supports your claim (ex. According to the Attorney General, states that have the death penalty have less violent crime). Explain the impact of your argument on the debate. Be sure to relate your argument back to the resolution and explain how this argument helps to uphold the value (ex. Because capital punishment decreases crime it upholds Justice, which is the most important value in todays round). VII. Present Contention 2. Is the claim clear? Is valid evidence offered? Is the warrant clear? (Is the piece of evidence explained, how does it apply to the resolution?

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Projects of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment

Abstract Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment, a corporate personality of a government establishment, aims at providing suitable housing in Dubai to the nationals of Emirates. It does this by offering services that are entirely related to housing of the nationals under a sole umbrella via a wide range of alternatives.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Projects of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some of the alternatives used include granting ready houses, residential plots, extending and maintaining current houses, governmental houses and offering loans for houses depending on the standards and policies that are adopted by the Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment (Bridgman 100). Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment profoundly contributes to the stimulation of the national economy through activating strategic partnerships with both the public and priva te sector and the execution of investment projects. The list of nationals who are entitled to the allocation of housing in Al Mihar 1 area which is adjacent to the old Mushref Shaabeyya is approved practically by the board of directors under directions and instructions of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum together with the direction of His Highness Sheikh Hamda Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid who is the Dubai Crown prince. Introduction The main issue of this project is to discuss and evaluate Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment in terms of characteristics of the policy regulation, history of the policy regulation and assessment of the cost and benefits of the project intervention. Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment is a leading bank in Dubai region. It executes its agreements in support of mortgage financing and funding of the nationals of the UAE (Blakemore 197). Normally the loan packages are provided to the residences where there are completed houses or cons tructions in progress by the individual owners only. In performing its duties, Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment remains focused to its strategic objective, to build and expand further its partnerships with banks, private sectors and mortgage financiers in order to provide enhanced home loan solutions to the nationals of UAE.Advertising Looking for essay on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In explaining the context of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment projects and agreement, it is of high significance to state that the agreement to fund mortgages was signed by the Assistant Executive Director for the Financial Affairs, Mohammed Hamid Al Marri and the Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Jamal Said Bin Ghalaita in the presence of the senior officials from Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment and Emirates NBD. During the signing of the agreement, the objective was reinstated by Moh ammed Al Marri that this was to re-energize the partnerships between the public, private and governmental organizations together with other private sector institutions sharing the objective of providing improved housing finance solutions for the nationals of the UAE via an enhanced cooperation (Bridgman 190). In explaining the methodology of this project, a description of how the project is related to the public policy topic is illustrated. This relation is evident in the manner in which the Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment executes its functions. According to the terms and conditions of the agreement, it is the role of Emirates NBD to pre-approve the application of the loan by the nationals of the UAE applying for more housing finance. This is done only after receiving applicant’s approval from Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment which states the standards of funding residential property that the nationals of the UAE are practically eligible to acquire. Nevert heless, the applicant in question must provide the required guarantees and documents according to the policies of the bank for the purpose of sanctioning the loan. This aspect is perfectly related to a public policy topic where documentations and guarantees are mandatory for any offers and provisions (Blakemore 200). Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment has a structure of implementing its policies. This is done by making all the nationals of the UAE eligible to receive a housing loan not based on any interest ranging up to a maximum of AED 750,000 in order to buy a complete residential home or construct their own houses. The terms and conditions of repayment lie between 25 years and 5 years depending on the level of income of the applicant. In implementing its policies and programs, Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment focuses on its partnerships with various relevant financial institutions that provide financial services and impact positively on the process involved in ge tting additional loans.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Projects of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These loans from the banks may be used by the applicants to pay their initial installment for a completed house of residence of construct their own residential house (Bridgman 198). The Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment has distinct priorities and objectives as one of the major banks within the UAE. It continuously strives to strengthen and encourage partnerships between different sectors in the region in order to drive development further as well as social and economic integration. Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment prioritizes their objectives even in their partnership with the Emirates NBD. They offer innovative financial solutions to the nationals of the UAE. This assists the nationals to realize their dreams associated with building or obtainin g residential homes and meet their requirements and needs on the kind of residence they need (Paquette 200). Due to the change in the environment of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment and the population changes, the Establishment has redefined its purposes on how to offer financial solutions. They now give directives and advice on what is best for a particular individual depending on the level of their income and their social status. Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment is actually among the leading national financial aid institutions in the state. For this reason, they put all their efforts in securing adequate and sufficient quality housing for the nationals of the UAE. They regularly sign agreements to provide housing financial aid and to strengthen economic integration and their cooperation with other institutions in the region (Jenkins 300). The historical review of the policy regulations of providing financial aid on mortgages and residential homes is clearly s tated in all the agreements that the Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment is engaged in. This is evident in the manner in which Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment carries out its operations. In all the agreements of the programs the MBRHE is engaged in, there are terms and conditions that describe how the policy is regulated and executed (Paquette 240). The loan application forms for the loan application by the nationals of the UAE for more housing finance are pre-approved after receiving applicant approval from Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment, stating the standards for funding residential houses.Advertising Looking for essay on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More All the nationals of the UAE are practically eligible to receive these standards. In addition, the policy is regulated by mandating the applicants in question to provide the required guarantees and documents in accordance to the policies of the bank for sanctioning of the bank’s loan (Paquette 245). There are distinctive characteristics of policy regulation in the Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment. These characteristics are used in the initial step of developing the implementation strategy. This is done through dissecting the policy and the environment where it is applied. The features of the policy along with its characteristics provide a logical understanding of the program that can be carried over to a detailed or advanced appraisal like determining the methods of mobilizing support or resisting opposition and the analysis of the stakeholders. The characteristics of the policy here help the managers to determine what the policy was initially designed to achieve, th e manner in which the changes introduced are relevant or affect the organization, the implementation context of the policy, the likelihood of bureaucracy manifestation as well as the reactions from the public and private sectors (Jenkins 314). In carrying out an assessment of the costs and benefits of the intervention for the consumers, the industry and society as a whole, it is important to note that the financial benefits accrued to the industry lies in the repayment of the loans in terms of interests charged on installments. Consumers are also able to access good residential homes at affordable installments depending on their level of income. The consumers access luxury homes at affordable rates with support from the industry. The society as a whole has distinctive benefits too. The economic integration and flow of income from the consumers to the industry is a positive economic influence to the society. The housing structures are improved and living conditions raised to affordab le status. A society with good housing and living conditions is healthy and productive. This improves the economic status of the society as a whole in the long run (Bridgman 215). Evaluation and recommendation In the evaluation of services and programs of The Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment, it is evident that it is determined to achieve its strategic objective which is to build and expand further its partnerships with banks, private sectors and mortgage financiers in order to provide enhanced loans for home solutions to the nationals of UAE. Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment has achieved its objective with the aid of other financial institutions funding the mortgages like the Emirates NBD (Bridgman 217). Through partnerships with private and public sectors offering financial aids in funding loans for residential homes, Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment has reached its destination and still looks forward to help more nationals of the UAE in obtaining or con structing good residential homes that suit their needs. I would therefore recommend that the Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment considers all levels of consumers from the society when providing mortgage loans. This should depend on the income level and social status of the consumer (Blakemore 211). Conclusion and findings In summary, Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment offers financial solutions to the nationals of the UAE. A lot of nationals today have good residential homes because of the financial aid from the Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment. This is done through collaboration with the Emirates NBD and the partnerships they have with both the private and public sectors. This project of Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment has a lot to learn from ranging from the services and programs provided to the policies regulation and characteristics of Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment. The paper has evaluated and discussed the projects of the Mohammed Bi n Rashid Housing Establishment with illustrations as given in the above paragraphs. Works Cited Blakemore, Ken. Social Policy. London: Prentice Hall, 2000. Print. Bridgman, Peter. Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment Project. Sydney: Allen Unwin, 2007. Print. Jenkins, William. Policy Regulations and Characteristics. London: Martin Robertson, 2000. Print. Paquette, Laure. Analyzing National and International Policy. Rowman: Littlefield, 2008. Print. This essay on The Projects of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment was written and submitted by user Konnor Mclaughlin to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Art Critique

When first given the assignment to visit an art gallery or exhibition, I have to admit that I was not very enthused. I am not much of an â€Å"artsy† person, nor do I like to visit museums, but I thought to myself that this may be an interesting way to see what all the hype was about. So on a rainy afternoon, my friends and I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and began our project. To be honest, I had always thought that art museums were filled with old paintings by dead people, but I was completely wrong. As I walked through the MET, I was fascinated by what I saw. I was taken back by how big everything was and by the various rooms in which my friends and I entered. While we were on the 2nd floor, I stumbled across a room filled with black and white photos, only to later find out that it was a special exhibit by Richard Avedon (at the time I had no idea who he was, but I later found out by someone, that he was a famous photographer). Immediately, I fell in love with thi s exhibit, because I am a huge fan of black and white photography, so at that point I decided to do my project on this exhibit. As I walked around the room, I noticed that all the pictures taken were of famous icons from the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. This only intrigued me more and before long, I came across a photograph of Marilyn Monroe. I couldn’t believe how amazing this picture was because I myself have many black and white photographs of her in my room at home, but this one was different. Although she was all dressed up in a black (or so it seemed) dress and looked beautiful, there was something about her facial expression in the photo that I have never seen before. She looked as if she was sad and the picture captured that exact feeling. Another interesting photo was that of a man covered with bees. At first I was disgusted with the picture, but then I began to see it as a very interesting photograph. I wondered how the man felt with all those bee... Free Essays on Art Critique Free Essays on Art Critique When first given the assignment to visit an art gallery or exhibition, I have to admit that I was not very enthused. I am not much of an â€Å"artsy† person, nor do I like to visit museums, but I thought to myself that this may be an interesting way to see what all the hype was about. So on a rainy afternoon, my friends and I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and began our project. To be honest, I had always thought that art museums were filled with old paintings by dead people, but I was completely wrong. As I walked through the MET, I was fascinated by what I saw. I was taken back by how big everything was and by the various rooms in which my friends and I entered. While we were on the 2nd floor, I stumbled across a room filled with black and white photos, only to later find out that it was a special exhibit by Richard Avedon (at the time I had no idea who he was, but I later found out by someone, that he was a famous photographer). Immediately, I fell in love with thi s exhibit, because I am a huge fan of black and white photography, so at that point I decided to do my project on this exhibit. As I walked around the room, I noticed that all the pictures taken were of famous icons from the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. This only intrigued me more and before long, I came across a photograph of Marilyn Monroe. I couldn’t believe how amazing this picture was because I myself have many black and white photographs of her in my room at home, but this one was different. Although she was all dressed up in a black (or so it seemed) dress and looked beautiful, there was something about her facial expression in the photo that I have never seen before. She looked as if she was sad and the picture captured that exact feeling. Another interesting photo was that of a man covered with bees. At first I was disgusted with the picture, but then I began to see it as a very interesting photograph. I wondered how the man felt with all those bee...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Arab charter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Arab charter - Essay Example The first Arab Charter was adopted in 1994, but none of the states ratified the charter thus leading to amendments that created the Arab Charter of 2004 in Arab summit in Tunis in 2004. The substantial amendments were done to confirm with the international human rights law on issues such as death penalty, rights of non-citizens and freedoms of expression (Weissbrodt and Vega, 2007). The Arab Charter 2004 came in to force on 16th March 2008 after the ratification of the seventh member state of the Arab league. Article 45 of the Arab Charter establishes the Arab Human rights committee that consists of seven independent member state nationals who are tasked with the supervision of the implementation of the charter and reporting on the progress that each member state has undertaken in giving effect to the rights and freedoms safeguarded by the Arab Charter (Shelton & Wright-Carozza, 2013). The final Arab charter is consistent with European Human rights as reflected in the treaties and op inions of UN experts on human rights (Weissbrodt and Vega, 2007). ... Accordingly, the charter reaffirms the principles of United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations International covenants on political, social and cultural rights and Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (Shelton & Wright-Carozza, 2013). The joint states in Arab charter include the 22 Arab countries, but only 11 have ratified to safeguard the human rights and freedoms guaranteed by the charter. The states that have ratified the charter include Jordan, Algeria, Syria, Palestine, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Libya (Shelton & Wright-Carozza, 2013). Other member states of the League of Arab nations include Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Djibouti, Algeria, Republic of Sudan, Kingdom of Morocco, Egypt, Iraq, the Sultanate of Oman , Libya, Mauritania and Republic of Yemen (Weissbrodt and Vega, 2007). Article 1 of the Arab Charter recognises human rights as a national concern for Arab states and aims at improving human lives in accordance with human values. The Article seeks to ensure citizens have a sense of the national identity, and share common interests with the spirit of brotherhood, tolerance and universal principles of human rights. Article 1 (d) recognises that human rights are indivisible, interrelated and interdependent as outlined by the United Nations Declaration of universal international human rights charter. Article 2 grants the citizens the right to self-determination, right to sovereignty and right to be free from all forms of racism or Zionism, which constitutes impediment to enjoyment of the fundamental human dignity (Shelton & Wright-Carozza, 2013). The Charter is

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Future of the Coastguard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Future of the Coastguard - Essay Example Apart from that, its function as a search and rescue service and as an environmental monitoring and protection one, cannot be underestimated or undervalued. The coast guard is essential in the life of any coastal or island country and its importance is expected to increase. While there are hardly any who are not aware of the presence, aims and objectives of all of the army, the navy and the air force, only a handful of people have a similar awareness of the coastguard. Although some countries, such as the United States, Canada and Japan, define the coast guard as a division of the national military, its importance is generally underestimated (LaGuardia-Kotite and Ridge, 2006). Popular understanding of the coast guard is that it acts as a vessel and life rescue service and, in some instances, to monitor fishing across the national coastlines and waters. This understanding barely touches upon the duties, responsibilities, aims and objectives of both civilian and military coast guard services, nor does it even hint at the fact that the coast guard, in the first and last, is primarily responsible for coastal and port security. In other words, the responsibilities and functions of the coast guard directly tie in with national security (LaGuardia-Kotite and Ridge, 2006). This research paper, which shall highlight the multiple functions of the coast guard s... n, shall, hopefully, illustrate that insofar as coastal countries are concerned, the coast guard plays an invaluable and vital role; a role which directly contributes to increased national security. Historical Background The Coast Guard first emerged in the early nineteenth century and in direct response to an ever growing need to protect coastal areas from smugglers, not to mention rescue services for vessels and fleets in distress (LaGuardia-Kotite and Ridge, 2006). While there is, currently, hardly a coastal country which does not have a coast guard service, tracing its history in the United Kingdom is particularly informative, not just because the first coast guard service emerged in that country but because both civilian and military division of the UK coast guard functioned, and to a degree continues to function, as the model for the same in coastal nations across the world (Thoreaux, 2006). Prior to expanding upon the genesis of the coastguard and over viewing its historical evolution in Britain, it is interesting to point out that the United States Coastguard strenuously maintains that the historical roots of this service lie in the United States (Beard, 2004). According to this argument, the outbreak of conflict between the United States and Britain regarding the colonisation of North America, is directly responsible for the evolution of the coastguard. In 1740, with the outbreak of the aforementioned war, military commanders realised the imperatives of stationing men along strategic coastal areas for "look-out" duties (Beard, 2004, p. 78). These men were supposed to keep watch over the impending arrival of enemy vessels and to warn the army (Beard, 2004). Insofar as the function of these men was the protection of coastal areas against the possible

Monday, November 18, 2019

Continuity Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Continuity Planning - Essay Example The actions to be taken to recover items likely to be partially disturbed or fully disturbed are determined. The anticipated repercussions are also discussed. In the interest of the company, if the disaster recovery is to be effective, the plan of action has to be periodically studied and modified as and when necessary. In other words, Continuity Planning emphasizes the requirement to safeguard the company's structure, asset, wealth, reputation and image. Apart from natural disasters like illness, fire, earth quake etc, attacks by terrorists and attacks on the information technology systems by viruses are also looked into. The chief objective of Continuity Planning is not only to prevent the disaster but to ensure normal functions of the company in the event of a disaster with bare minimum loss of time, material and money. That is important. Obviously Disaster Recovery Planning is a part of Continuity Planning. In fact they go together. According to statistics, man-made and natural disasters have increased considerably. The company authorities have realized the importance of taking necessary steps. An adversity can strike an establishment at any time. Prevention is always better. But it may not be possible always. What to do if a disaster crops up Or what should have been done in anticipation of it The directors of the company turn their eyes to Continuity Planning, which is a sort of risk management, for building security. "Continuity planning" has replaced "disaster recovery planning". If it is adopted sensibly, not only the enterprise can survive the onslaught but it can also bounce back majestically. Continuity Planning Audits have the ability to participate in the Continuity Planning actively for the good of the company. They are also capable of identifying a company's financial loopholes. Destruction caused by disaster is only a part of the story. There are other more critical problems - Losing data, losing business, losing customers, losing reputation, losing money, relocation, repairs are only some of them. All these give everlasting nightmare to the company. That apart, the company is answerable to shareholders, employees, clients and so on. It should have been the company's responsibility to take precautionary measures. The company may be taken to task legally by the shareholders. All these factors add to the concern of the company management. According to Pat McAnally, director of marketing at SunGard Planning Solutions in Wayne, Pennsylvania (Rodetis, 1999), "Professional service companies are starting to appreciate and protect the intellectual capital of a business". Any company without Continuity Planning will fail to meet its statutory obligations; and the company may be penalized for neglecting continuity planning. So most of the companies are seriously adhering to it. Pat McAnally (Rodetis, 1999) says, "Contingency plans are also a regular part of requirements by the office of the comptroller of the currency". Continuity Planning is for preserving and protecting all the records and valuables of an enterprise such that the company can go ahead with its operations without any sort of hindrance. Taking steps to minimize risk is far reasonable than recovering from a mishap. Each minute of idle time of man, machinery and other equipment in an organization amounts to waste of money. If such a situation is not put under control the company runs the risk of closing down. The biggest headache of a manager is undoubtedly

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A dsdm outline plan

A dsdm outline plan Project initiation phase (1 page, not technical knowledge) Scope CSA projects will have a stepwise plan for doing prelimionary analysis before committing to the full scope of work, in the event of unknowns or surprises being within the scop;e of work. Scope is managed through the finance Department. The scope of CSA project is to develop and implement centralized management, sharing data and the supporting IT systems and infrastructure necessary to provide: A secure and trusted means by which data communication can share information. A framework for information sharing, which can be transferred to other branches; areas and regions to assist in the delivery of integrated person centered services. The opportunity to measure and explore KPIs and other operational issues which effect the transition of children for example; each children remark, records, personal info.etc. Feasibility Study  § Large or high-risk projects will usually include provisions for review and reassessment of scope of work at this stage. By prior agreement, there may be a go/ nogo decision at this point. Existing System Analysis: Mainly, there is no standard way that projects record information about users of their services. Some projects record using different ways of paper based system, spreadsheet to help maintain records. It is needed centralized management and powerful administration. It is like that to choose the RAD technique within the DSDM framework. Proposed system requirements were feasible in contract agreement between our development team and CSA. We have been decided to use the ‘Oracle Database (this have enterprise features, models) as a standard database to implement. Feasibility report will cover all the usual topics, but not in great details. If a project is seen to be feasible from the results of the study, the next logical step is to proceed with the full business plan. Business Study Objectives of Business to fulfill the business requirements of CSA, to solve each department responsible person in Area, Region, Administration. To make the CSA project better than the existing system, some of them will be needed to update information to meet business in marketplace. Stimulate innovative partnership practice in the voluntary and provider sector to further increase the volume of service available. Incremental and iterative development necessary to converge on an accurate business solution. Configuration management Configuration Management is a key factor in managing the evolving products (both software and documents). The changed plan or control procedure must be valid within the contract. If it is not, we cant take this trouble. Project Manger probably reports this ‘user request form to Change Control Board (high level management to make decisions) to confirm the change request, features. Another problem is scope changes because it takes more about features that some arent available in real time system when we implement. (Prototyping is used to help users visualize and request changes to the system as it is being built, allowing applications to evolve iteratively.) Delivery timeframe changes because we cant to get end product in the agree date. So, we must schedule again to balance about the urgent product. (Timeboxing is used to create artificially with customer agreement that was estimated at 12 weeks duration.) Product description and breakdown structure The product description considered about the CSA organization, firstly we must considered the products that are associated with Budget Estimation happens after contract for development of the CSA project. It is the mainly event to perform as soon as later contract. Requirements Analysis is essentially required to make assessment of which are the requirements in CSA. Develop specific functionality defined as to carry out the proposed functions described in contract as CSA requirements. Define CSA requirements are needed really to determine the system starts before. It is divided by functional and non-functional requirements. Define System requirements are also needed to get required performance, response time to perform the system tasks such as defining required hardware, software.etc. For methodology, DSDM is used for development. Organization Structure by product WBS Risk Management Risk Management Type The risk lists is periodically reviewed to evaluate the effectiveness of risk mitigation strategies, which in turn drives revisions to the project plan and subsequent iteration plans. Risk ID Responsible Person(s) Description likelihood Impact (L/M/H) Contingency Plan Rsk0000 Project Manager Delays in appointing key personnel Inability to meet target date L Project Board to progress appointments as a priority Rsk0001 Project Manager Insufficient skills / resources / capacity within the partnership when required Inability to meet target date H Ensure commitment at a senior level to deliver required resource Rsk0002 Board Of Directors (High level) Competition for Technology Partners resources Milestones missed H Plan and identify resource requirements early Rsk0003 Project Manager Poor co-operation between partners Decisions take longer L Adequate internal resources must be made available to the project appropriate representatives attend meetings The system is to be developed under the joint guidance of the Director of Administrative Services and the Finance Director. How to Reduce Risks A central contract database will overcome the problem of record duplication. This solves the different way of project recorded information about users of their services. We decided to choose ‘Oracle Database to implement the central database as a enterprise standard of CSA. It has the features of data secure functions of performance and reliability of the backup and recovery operations are critical to effective database operation. Monitor Control risks KPI helps the performance of indication of our CSA projects. It is essential to measure for each project. Risks monitoring and contingency plan are required together with KPIs. We must think of other potential risks such as hardware failure, disaster, staffs leaving etc. at the initiation stage before the development of CSA project. We must start taking care of during design phase before implementations. We must set up milestones, critical paths in CSA projects. In avoidance of risk, pre-consideration of overcome risks with contingency plan and risks training are essential. Contingency Planning Project Manager also monitors the project progress. The main tool for deciding on progress is the prioritized requirements rather than a Gantt chart of activities. The Gantt chart will show the timeboxes, but the supplementary documentation about what is to be produced in each timebox is far more important for control and monitoring purposes of CSA. Project manager must monitor on each of the phase finished before and after during the project. Limited duration solved by a milestone date, not to deviate the schedule he drew out before the project during planning stage. Security Management Steve Sutherland (Finance Director) says â€Å"There cant be a hard connection between the finance system we use and the MIS (Management Information System) as that would open up all sorts of security risks that we dont want to open up. We must think how we can share data between the two systems without compromising our finance system. Possible Solutions (Security review) //Unauthorisation of resources and data in order to decrease errors in activities of access level , CSA was going to manage the application software cover rights on single users to whom to prevent unauthorized access of secret information by this way we produce fully protection of database access to centralized office. CSA could be to ensure instruction to functions in the area of information maintaining, retrieving from program. For the recovery and backup purposes, CSAs privacy were secure because of the above functions. We must consider security before documents sent to the central office in London, each of regions and areas needed to scan for virus free. And then, must send the required documents to the central. How to control security Login to database (Enter valid code to access data from centralized office). Give authority to each person to access for each of their application. Some kind of security like Norton Antivirus kit for threats, virus, spams mail, for other different threats. That is required for CSA database and documents security needed for all regions and areas. Back up for important data at off-site to be secured. B) Prioritised Function Lists MosCoW analysis Source: Mr Tulley Sign Off: Mr Tulley Requirement id; Name R0001 Tulley (SA) Functional Requirement (s) -Centralized standard db (Must have) -Centralized management (Must have) -Record contracts info in current future(Must have) -Each projects linked to central contract(Must have) -Record core data about the projects, young people and their KPIs they are working with(Could have) -Secure personal data (accessing authorized person)(Should have) -Secure Data sharing between central to regions, areas,(Must have) -Accurate and update info, KPIs send back to Administrative (Must have) -Services Department every 3 months(Must have) -Sending data to Funding body to correct (Must have) -Produce regular monitoring reports for funding bodies(Want to have) -Send childrens KPIs to Administrative Service Department (to change data) (Must have) -Monitor childrens behavior, character in KPIs for admin(Could have) Assumption of functional requirements Project prioritization MoSCoW is required to prioritise. It can be divided by FMI or DBI. Implement the recommendations of the CSA, review establishing childrens records and review each of their KPIs. CSA with functions for the department of regional and areas for housing, family support, education training and tackling crime with this portfolio as their primary responsibility. Fulfill the requirements for each contract linked to central contract. Provide support to develop oracle database for centralized offices to ensure more effective way for branches such as areas, regions and related partner. We have to consult to agree functions with the Board of Trustees. As an additional info, CSA should be provided Alcohol and Drugs free zone. From each department to central offices can send KPIs information safety related with administrative department. Secure data sharing is also needed to develop among them. Staff must be trained on new system established for training case to know how Oracle database system works. Training and qualifications are necessary to respond to send data vice versa. We must define staff level or permission to access data, records. We have responsibility to manage IT training course for young people who have previously committed crime. Training should be refreshed on a periodic basis. For example, holidays, duties off. C) Non-functional Requirements Specification Non-functional Requirement (s) -Accessibility () -Reliability() -Responsibility() Safety and Efficiency(DBI) -Consistency() Accuracy() Description -The above requirements are permitted by Project Board. Target Value Acceptable Range: ok Comments: Assumption on non-functional requirements In addition, donation for young children from online should be able to meet with people who want to donate. Data collection and management issues will substantially affect the usefulness of data sources; therefore, the quality of collected data must be consistently accurate and maintainable. Provide overall product management oversight with respect to non-functional requirements, such as: accuracy; reliability; maintainability; affordability; privacy; and security, etc. Accessibility From administrative department can be accessible each childrens records every time they require. Data should be accessible for use with commonly available analytical tools(eg. Oracle database) 1.3 KPIs measures for accessing childrens records as described in. Reliability 2.1 CSA system is needed to design easy to use and match with user requirements. Responsibility 3.1 Authorized person to access detailed children information must be able to support administration/response as well as to monitor children for progress. Safety and Efficiency 4.1 Secure information is needed to prevent by the ways (encryption) from central office to branch or branch to central office. The data between central and branch essentially networking service security is required to think. Consistency Automated reporting tools and pre-defined report templates should be supported to ensure consistency and quality. SECTION -B Critical Evaluation Of DSDM Toolset Report for CSA From : Jack (Project Manager) To : CSA organization Subject : Critical Evaluation of DSDM toolset Title : Development of the Management Information System for CSA Author : Jack (PM) Date : 18/8/09 Authorisation : Project Board of Trustees Distribution : CSA organization 1) Critique of DSDM toolset (2000) //There are many consideration upon a case tool used in implementation of DSDM. CSA organizations alter in how much must easy accept or construct in the job training.An organization that is used to the authorization responsibility and trading in a way taking precaution to problems and that a lot carefully with the relation to customers already works very on the project will often find it is similar in many ways to that what is made currently, but that happened some hardness, terminology common and useful tools to the project.To the other hierarchical organizations much with concentrating narrow onto a contract details, will have to make attention approximately introduction, the location of the project adapted and initially taking care outside in more than a method for project phases. The power tools utilized in Rapid Application Development are Computer-Aided Systems Engineering (CASE) tools. The RAD methodology uses both computerized tools and human techniques to achieve the goals of high-speed and high quality. //Depending on the user participation, that is one of the RAD method happens choosing users to get more agreement and effective way described in User involvement at stages of system life cycles. Purchaser of a RAD tool environment should think carefully before buying. Show understanding of the key issues relating DSDM toolset Valuate the tools used Show evidence of research Produce a well structured essay Identify benefits and drawbacks with relevant examples Examples from case study(DSDM tools) Peter Jackson (Area Manager) used Microsoft Excel as he went on a course. The only problem is that it takes a white to find individual pieces of data which is always annoying when we are trying to fill in the returns for Julieanne (IQ Officer, Administrative Services Department )s KPIs. It can often take a couple of days getting all that data together. In current position, there is no standard way that projects record information about users of their services. Some projects record their data using a paper based system whilst others have created simple databases or spreadsheets to help maintain records. One or two of the larger projects have invested heavily in IT and building their own databases to meet their requirements. We dont want is to get distracted with providing projects with a system to manage individual young peoples cases, records of interviews with the young person and so on. That would be far too complex at this stage. // DSDM supports that the RAD only it is adapted to determines kinds of applications with functionality to customer interface, has a group of customers easily defined, they are not too complex and have fixed requirements that are not too much details. DSDM supports that RAD is not adapted to applications in real time or emergency-critics to applications where requirement works. It must completely be specifies before that all programs are written.Therefore, RAD would only appear to the part of address of collection of applications. Disadvantages of the DSDM: It is involved the progressive development of requirement. Focus on RAD can lead in order to reduce in lines of code. Complete engagement of the requirement to the DSDM processes. Meaningful Participation of the customer for requirements Requires In an expert team developed in the commerce that represents IT. Ethics of people for change Successful change requires a number of things. We now face the problem of using different databases in different departments. So It is not easy to managed Objectives have to be set and attained; an existing system being analysis. Questionaire (Effective User Communication) This tool takes the form of a questionnaire in which the applicability of an iterative approach to functional areas in the organization is checked. The Organization Filter (KPIs) is intended as a ‘thermometer with which to measure the situation with regard to iterative development in a company or unit at a particular moment. It is intended only as a diagnostic instrument. The aim of the CSA is mainly to develop in the matter of children and to control each region and areas centrally and secure. The use of KPIs is to measure each student behavior, project performance progress. o Incremental and iterative development necessary to converge on an accurate business solution. We can take the form of a questionnaire, similar to the CSA project requirements. We look at the organization and/or the organizational unit as a whole. We serve to map the project risks, while KPIs is an instrument with which to map the situation in the organization concerned. This section contains the complete CSA questionnaire, with an accompanying Explanation for every questions. The questionnaire is divided into eight areas for evaluation: Users (Children Support) User management (CSA Centralized management) Organization (CSA Organization Structure) Culture (CSA culture) IT staff (CSA IT staff) IT management (CSA IT Development) Management organization (CSA management) Techniques (Standard use of method and database) There are a number of questions per area, intended to provide a picture of the organisations receptivity to an iterative approach for each area. Although the areas follow one another in the questionnaire, this sequence does not have to be followed. However, the questions within an area follow a conscious order, from general to specific. Critical Analysis of how the tools used(DSDM tools) RAD technique (Even though many criticize the RAD approach as being overly ad hoc in nature, it must be remembered that the reason for its popularity throughout the 1990s was that it was perceived as providing significant customer value that is a working prototype was generally considered of much greater value to the typical business customer for whom using dataflow diagrams, entity-relationship diagrams, and other formal documents produced by a heavy methodology (DSDM, XP, Scrum). Difficulties of RAD May be used as an excuse for hacking a solution resulting in: Poor understanding of environment and business requirements. Insufficient testing and subsequent unforeseen problems. Poor documentation and difficulties with enhancement. Client and user commitment. Changing user requirements. Prototyping method Selecting a set of CASE tools to support modeling, prototyping, and code re usability, as well as automating many of the combination of techniques. This is the sign of conceptual model to provide support the components of functional and non-functional of project. A technique where a component that is produced to assess whether or not the system will be fit for purpose. A prototype need not be complete and tested with respect to all its related functional and non-functional requirements, the aim is to try out some aspect of the project to prove its ability to meet the needs of the Users. Examples include architectural prototypes to prove some new technology and user interface prototypes to try out the user interaction with the system. Critique of prototyping include the following: Client can be seen this as final product. May lead to insufficient analysis due to the ease of development. Difficult for developers to discard and start creating the final product from scratch. Estimation tools Cost estimation tools, or model-based estimation techniques use data collected from past projects combined with mathematical formulae to estimate project cost. They usually require factors such as the system size as inputs into the model. The main model-based techniques include COCOMO, SLIM, RCA PRICE-S, SEER-SEM, and ESTIMACS. These estimation models produce an estimate of the cost, effort or duration of a project based on factors such as the size and desired functionality of the system. The work breakdown structure (WBS) of the project or a piece of work into its component. Projects can be resource-constrained (limited by the type of people, monetary or hardware resources available) or time-constraint (limited by the deadline). When management fails to participate in the preparation of the estimate, and does not monitor the accuracy of the estimate, this is believed to contribute to the estimate being inaccurate. Inaccuracy also occurs when management does not refer to the estimate when conducting performance reviews of estimators and other project personnel. Causes of Inaccurate Estimates in Systems Development Estimation inaccuracy can also be caused from a lack of procedures and policies on how to deal with failures and avoid repeating mistakes by learning from past experiences. The estimation process can be impacted negatively by these pressures resulting in time or cost constraints. Software managers may over-report causes of inaccuracy that lie outside their responsibility, such as customer-related causes. Project managers therefore have to be aware of the implications that political factors can have on IS development estimation. DSDM Charts toolset// Charts toolset as it was required to show what tasks are critical that are important when activity goes. There are activities of sequence in or some are parallel tasks that are not dependent on the completion of task more or less at each stage before next stage of project begins. We can start other tasks after one stage ends .Tasks from Pert Charts were shown as the critical path by the view of estimation of time at each stage of project. It is slightly view of how to estimate the length of time to be shortened and to prevent taking long time activities. JAD (Joint Application Development) Analysis A forum for knowledgeable and empowered staff from business and IT to make decisions and produce products through consensus, controlled and enabled by an impartial facilitator. Also known as a ‘Facilitated Workshop†. Also known as facilitated workshop, for user participation matter. Workshop Leader who organizes and conducts the workshops for Joint Requirements Planning and Joint Application Design. Critique of JAD (Joint Application Development) Using workshops, instead of interviews, to gather requirements and review design. Analysis of case materials shows significant critique is attached to the efficacy of the JAD sessions. Analysis suggests that a lack of proactive leadership towards the JAD workshops, and of the management of people activities within the JAD sessions would have facilitated more focused productivity towards development objectives, promoted a shift away from former cultures to acceptance of new working behaviours. The new integrated team-working environment of a RAD-type approach meant that people experienced uneasiness in the team workshops. People found it difficult to present their ‘thinking in front of their colleagues and this was a key concern for the developers, the cultural issue is that organizational people felt they were answerable to their line manager; consequently they were apprehensive about expressing their views. Several of those interviewed on the organizational side were reluctant to voice options in workshops if their managers were also present, they did not feel on an equal plane, and therefore did not contribute effectively. Critique of Prioritization(MoSCoW approach) MoSCoW is an acronym where the capital letters stand for Must have, Should have, Could have, Wont have this time. These provide a technique for prioritizing requirements. As the case indicates, the MoSCoW (a DSDM technique) appears not to be very suitable for this situation due to the difficulty of prioritizing requirements. The same holds for timeboxing, for which there must be a fixed date for the project, or for an increment, or for an iteration. Critique of MoSCoW Time to make not enough all. Resources in order to make not enough all. Lack or money or lack of people. Critique of TimeBoxing Analysis Development slots fixed in allocated time and resources; variable in implemented functionalities; Time box content priorities is negotiated at each Iteration. Implementing time-boxed development that allows development teams to quickly build the core of the system and implement refinements in subsequent releases. A period of time with a fixed end-date in which a team produces, checks and agrees a deliverable (partial or complete) or set of such deliverables. DSDM has an overall time box for the project which contains nested time boxes for day-to-day management and control. The timeframe is not subjective to change, rather functional requirements are prioritized within the timebox and less essential features may have to wait to be included and built into future iterations. RAD has been criticised for being fairly unstructured approach and there is no commonly defined framework for its completion. Disadvantages of TimeBoxing// Customers enable to agree the products delivery covered from timebox to finish end date.If it seems that the expirations could be lacked, the deliverable would have to be de-scoped, to eliminate more than insufficient priority that is it must have and be able while to have requirement it can slip the timeline bases identically.The continuous negotiation of that what is important is to develop and is worked to with and is comes agreement . DSDM shows timeboxing nested timeboxes for example it nested timebox more than two to six weeks inside the timebox. Configuration management tools For high criticality systems, additional measures to ensure good communications and improved controls are needed. Additional project management controls should be used around risk management and a wider use of Configuration and Change Management tools, along with increased testing effort. These steps attempt to increase project communications, actively mitigate risks and detect issues and tolerance exceptions earlier in the project. Agile methodology analysis// While our teams continue to adopt and to regulate the agile development to the inside of their organizations so we can face the challenges of coordination and control of the multiple groups, the positions and the plans continue to increase. The plan complexity more reinforced that is why the agile atmospheres embrace programs and the priorities changing in real time.Consequently, the requirement of the senses to easy control this complexity inside the context of single, constant structure is critical to elevate the value and the happened one of our agile activities of development.The procurement way that uses the agile methods to give to the competent suppliers a small with of the characteristic in order transporting and seeing that what supplies. Show evidence of research -risks Identify benefits and drawbacks with relevant examples Cutover During this phase the new system will be phased-in in a parallel manner (alongside the old system), whilst users endure final training and testing ensuring system adequacy, eventually leading to the old systems develop. While the system is being constructed, we use the CASE toolset to accomplish detailed design and code generation, must be poised to move quickly. At the end of the development cycle, the Cutover Team, which handles training and cutover, must be ready to move quickly.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparing the Theme of Technology Versus Nature in Frankenstein and Neu

Technology Versus Nature in Shelley’s Frankenstein and Gibson’s Neuromancer      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At first glance, a comparison of Shelley’s Frankenstein and Gibson’s Neuromancer could seem rather irrelevant having in mind that these two works are separated by more than a century. During this lapse of time, humanity has witnessed profound changes at a breath-taking speed. The partly Gothic and partly Romantic world of Mary Shelley is quite different from the reality Gibson predicts. We could not say, however, that there are no links between the two. Shelley's work could be viewed as the apprehension of the new-born fear in regard to technical invention and Gibson's work as the divination of the consequences of technological development and sophistication. In both cases the essence of human nature has barely changed. It is what lies behind the destructive human strife for more, more at any price that has led to the despondent conclusions of both works.    Indispensable to understanding the complexity of the problem of technology, in both Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and William Gibson's Neuromancer, is the historical context in which the two were written. Whereas Frankenstein was written in a period of dramatic change - that of the Industrial revolution, in Neuromancer, Gibson echoes the opinion of economists who believe that we are currently experiencing the beginning of a profound economic revolution, due to the breakthroughs in information and communication technology, and which some believe is equal in magnitude to the industrial revolution. The second leitmotif of my research is that of nature in reference to technology. Here I describe the relation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein to technology and some of the crucial issues co... ... Stephen. York Notes on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Longman York Press, 1992. Bloom, Harold and Golding, William. Modern Critical Views on Mary Shelley. Edited with an introduction by Harold Bloom. Chelsea House Publishers, New York, 1985. Forester, Tom. The Information Technology Revolution. Edited and introduced by Tom Forester. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1985. Borgmann, Albert. Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life. A Philosophical Inquiry. The University of Chicago Press, 1984. Leebaert, Derek. Technology 2001. The Future of Computing and Communications. Edited by Derek Leebaert. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Third printing, 1991. Michie, Donald and Johnston, Rory. The Knowledge Machine. Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Man. William Morrow and Company, Inc., NY., 1985.            

Monday, November 11, 2019

Speech Fast Food

McDunn Persuasive speech outline Eating Fast Food Introduction Relevance: You all have probably experienced fast food sometime throughout your life. Credibility: The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning fast food is greasy, oily, unhealthy garb, yet most of us consume junk food on a daily basis anyway. There are over 300,000 different fast food restaurants in the US. People frequent them because of convenience (quick and usually cheap). In such a fast-paced society, people are eating more fast food than ever before (Stefanov, Sebastien).Purpose: To persuade people not to eat fast food. Preview: I am now going to inform you about what fast food is, what a typical meal contains, why fast food is unhealthy. Body I. A. What is fast food? 1. Fast food is any food that is quick, convenient, and usually inexpensive (Fast Food Facts). a. Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. The term â€Å"fast food† refers to precooked foods such as fries or pizza that typically must be used within a few hours, or they become dried out and unpalatable (Ali, Sam). b.Fast food places like McDonalds, Burger King, Jack-in-the-box, Wendy’s, Whataburger, etc. , are all considered fast food restaurants. II. A. A typical meal and some facts 1. According to the â€Å"Nutritional Facts† that are posted on McDonald's web site, one Big Mac contains 540 calories and 29 grams of fat, which is 45 percent of the national recommended daily value based on a 2,000-calorie diet, according to McDonald's. One large order of fries contains 500 calories and 25 grams of fat, which is 38 percent of the recommended daily value. The 32-ounce Coca-Cola Classic adds another 310 calories (Ali, Sam). . Harvested potatoes contain about 80 percent water. What makes them into fries is when most of this water is removed and replaced with fat. Americans, on average, eat 30 pounds of these fat-enriched potatoes per year (Ali, Sam). b. The new KFC D ouble Down sandwich, which debuted in April, features two fried chicken filets in place of bread, two pieces of bacon, two melted slices of Monterey Jack and pepper jack cheese and Colonel's Sauce. The Double Down contains 540 calories and 32 grams of fat. It also has 1,380 milligrams of sodium (1,430 milligrams grilled).That's approaching the American Heart Association's recommended daily limit for adults of 1,500 milligrams of sodium (Ali, Sam). 2. Facts about fast food a. Did you know that most Americans eat three burgers a week and that 81% of Americans consume junk food while driving? It comes as no surprise, since people spend more time on the road nowadays (Stefanov, Sebastien). b. Each day, 1 in 4 Americans visits a fast food restaurant (Fast food facts). c. McDonald's feeds more than 46 million people a day – more than the entire population of Spain (Fast food facts).Transition Sentence: Fast food is very dangerous towards your health and can lead to many harmful eff ects. III. A. Why fast food is unhealthy 1. However, while these products might look appealing and tasty, they contain a wealth of hidden heath hazards which are not only dangerous if eaten in large quantities but are a major cause of obesity, especially in children (White, Janice). a. You are doing the following things to your body by consuming fast food (White, Janice): †¢ Raising your blood pressure Increasing the levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol †¢ Delaying your metabolic rate (the rate at which you digest, process and eliminate food) †¢ Weakening your immune system †¢ Destabilizing your blood sugar levels †¢ Reducing the ability of your colon to function properly b. The effects of fast food include nutritional deficiencies, obesity, increased cholesterol levels, cardiac problems and many other threatening heath hazards (Manohar, Uttara). c. Eating fast foods can also lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. d.Eating fast food and leading a sedentary lifestyle lea ds to obesity. Obesity leads to other complications like increase in the cholesterol level, blocking of the arteries, the increased risk of coronary diseases, in addition to the general physical discomfort posed by the extra weight. Fast food is also addictive and hence it is very difficult to give up on their greasy and fatty foods and carbonated drinks and switch to healthier options (Manohar, Uttara). Transition sentence: Fast food can cause many concerns to your body and lead to a unhealthy life.Summary: Overall, fast food can damage your health and shorten your life. Eating fast food can lead to clogged arteries, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and many other health concerns you could not even think of. Concluding Device: If you are on the road, and want to stop to get a bite to eat, try to protect your health and not eat fast food. Works Cited Sam Ali – Apr, and 2010. â€Å"What Is Fast Food? – DiversityInc. com. † DiversityInc – Cultural Dive rsity – Diversity Management – Workplace Diversity – Workforce Diversity. N. p. , n. d. Web. 23 Apr. 2011. â€Å"Fast Food Facts. † Center for Young Women's Health. N. p. , n. d. Web. 23 Apr. 2011. . â€Å"Fast food facts from the Super Size Me Web site . † The VivaVegie Society, Inc. . N. p. , n. d. Web. 24 Apr. 2011. Manohar, Uttara. â€Å"Fast Food Facts: Effects of Fast Food. † Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. N. p. , n. d. Web. 23 Apr. 2011. . Stefanov, Sebastien. â€Å"fast food calories – AskMen. † AskMen – Men's Online Magazine. N. p. , n. d. Web. 23 Apr. 2011. . White, Janice. â€Å"Why Fast Food is Bad for You. † HubPages. N. p. , n. d. Web. 23 Apr. 2011. .

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Behavioral Change: Rubbing Snuff

Rubbing snuff, like other forms of tobacco use, is an addictive behavior that poses a serious challenge to individuals who want to change their habits. Perhaps an even greater challenge looms for those whose partners would like to change their behaviors! Paul’s habit of rubbing snuff is the ideal opportunity to enact a well-planned behavior plan intended to motivate lasting change. The specific targeted overt behavior is the act of swallowing tobacco juice. To understand this behavior, it’s important to consider the dimensions of the broader act of rubbing snuff.The frequency of Paul’s dipping is estimated around 5-8 times per day with the frequency of swallows much greater. Dipping is described as replacing or adding additional tobacco to the mouth. Intensity increases with the progression of the day, starting with smaller amounts in the upper lip and ending with larger quantities in the lower lip by nighttime. The intensity of swallowing also rises with this in crease in use. The duration of Paul’s tobacco use holds the greatest possibility for change.At baseline, he dips constantly from the moment of waking to seconds before retiring to bed. The latency of Paul’s dipping of additional interest in the development of an intervention. At baseline, he began dipping approximately 2. 5 seconds after opening his eyes in the morning. The latency of Paul’s first swallow of tobacco averages approximately 2 minutes after waking. The action of concern, swallowing of tobacco juice, is a behavior excess. Any swallowing greater than 0 times per day qualifies as the presence of this behavior in excess.The intervention selected to extinguish Paul’s swallowing behavior was the use of a pop bottle for spitting. Paul established a reasonable goal of less than 3 swallows per day for one week followed by less than 2 the next week. This decreasing trend would continue for several weeks until complete extinction is achieved. With the decrease in swallowing, it will be important to document the increase in spitting behavior. Paul will document the number of times he spits for two 30 minute intervals throughout the day.As he begins changing his behavior, it is hoped that increased spitting will aid the decrease in swallowing. A few ground rules will also be established to enforce the intervention. Paul should have his spit bottle, spittoon, and/or other spitting place on hand wherever he goes throughout the day. Along with targeting the decrease of swallowing tobacco juice, this intervention should also serve to increase the behavior of spitting. The reaction of poor Paul’s wife to this change is yet to be determined! The effectiveness of this intervention was assessed on a daily and then weekly basis.By the third week, Paul experienced complete swallowing cessation and had increased his frequency of spitting from relatively nothing to dozens of times a day. The result was the elimination of vomiting behavi or, a perceived increase in energy, and self-reported decreases in fatigue. According to subjective and objective reports, Paul accomplished significant behavioral change. To improve the likelihood Paul would maintain his behavioral change, one final reporting and documentation measure was used two months after the start of the intervention.Hidden cameras were placed in Paul’s home and place of work to record each and every time he demonstrated the primary target behavior (swallowing tobacco juice) and the secondary desired replacement behavior (spitting in the bottle). The results were encouraging. Paul had completely stopped swallowing, but had also decreased the frequency of his need to spit throughout the day. With careful review, this was related to a decrease in duration of Paul’s dipping habit during the day. Paul was on his way to rubbing snuff out of his life! Behavioral Change: Rubbing Snuff Rubbing snuff, like other forms of tobacco use, is an addictive behavior that poses a serious challenge to individuals who want to change their habits. Perhaps an even greater challenge looms for those whose partners would like to change their behaviors! Paul’s habit of rubbing snuff is the ideal opportunity to enact a well-planned behavior plan intended to motivate lasting change. The specific targeted overt behavior is the act of swallowing tobacco juice. To understand this behavior, it’s important to consider the dimensions of the broader act of rubbing snuff.The frequency of Paul’s dipping is estimated around 5-8 times per day with the frequency of swallows much greater. Dipping is described as replacing or adding additional tobacco to the mouth. Intensity increases with the progression of the day, starting with smaller amounts in the upper lip and ending with larger quantities in the lower lip by nighttime. The intensity of swallowing also rises with this in crease in use. The duration of Paul’s tobacco use holds the greatest possibility for change.At baseline, he dips constantly from the moment of waking to seconds before retiring to bed. The latency of Paul’s dipping of additional interest in the development of an intervention. At baseline, he began dipping approximately 2. 5 seconds after opening his eyes in the morning. The latency of Paul’s first swallow of tobacco averages approximately 2 minutes after waking. The action of concern, swallowing of tobacco juice, is a behavior excess. Any swallowing greater than 0 times per day qualifies as the presence of this behavior in excess.The intervention selected to extinguish Paul’s swallowing behavior was the use of a pop bottle for spitting. Paul established a reasonable goal of less than 3 swallows per day for one week followed by less than 2 the next week. This decreasing trend would continue for several weeks until complete extinction is achieved. With the decrease in swallowing, it will be important to document the increase in spitting behavior. Paul will document the number of times he spits for two 30 minute intervals throughout the day.As he begins changing his behavior, it is hoped that increased spitting will aid the decrease in swallowing. A few ground rules will also be established to enforce the intervention. Paul should have his spit bottle, spittoon, and/or other spitting place on hand wherever he goes throughout the day. Along with targeting the decrease of swallowing tobacco juice, this intervention should also serve to increase the behavior of spitting. The reaction of poor Paul’s wife to this change is yet to be determined! The effectiveness of this intervention was assessed on a daily and then weekly basis.By the third week, Paul experienced complete swallowing cessation and had increased his frequency of spitting from relatively nothing to dozens of times a day. The result was the elimination of vomiting behavi or, a perceived increase in energy, and self-reported decreases in fatigue. According to subjective and objective reports, Paul accomplished significant behavioral change. To improve the likelihood Paul would maintain his behavioral change, one final reporting and documentation measure was used two months after the start of the intervention.Hidden cameras were placed in Paul’s home and place of work to record each and every time he demonstrated the primary target behavior (swallowing tobacco juice) and the secondary desired replacement behavior (spitting in the bottle). The results were encouraging. Paul had completely stopped swallowing, but had also decreased the frequency of his need to spit throughout the day. With careful review, this was related to a decrease in duration of Paul’s dipping habit during the day. Paul was on his way to rubbing snuff out of his life!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Earn an Online Degree by Examination

How to Earn an Online Degree by Examination Several websites have popped up recently claiming that students can earn a degree by taking tests or get their bachelors  degree in less than a year. Is the information theyre selling a scam? Not necessarily.It is true that experienced students and good test-takers may be able to earn legitimate online degrees quickly and primarily through test-taking. However, it isnt easy and its not always the most fulfilling way to experience college. This information isnt a secret and you shouldnt feel obliged to take out your credit card for details that are publicly available from the colleges themselves. Heres what you need to know: How Can I Earn a Degree by Examination? In order to test your way to a degree, you cant just sign up for any program. When planning your next steps, you will need to be particularly cautious to avoid diploma mills with unethical practices - even listing a diploma mill degree on your resume is a crime in some states. There are several regionally accredited online colleges that are competency-based and offer flexible ways for students to earn credit. By enrolling in one of these legitimate online colleges, you may be able to earn the majority of your credits by proving your knowledge through taking tests rather than completing coursework. Why Should I Earn a Degree by Examination? Testing out of college is probably a better choice for experienced adult learners rather than incoming freshmen. It might be right for you if you have a lot of knowledge but are being held back in your career due to the lack of a degree. If you are coming right out of high school, this course may be particularly challenging as the tests tend to be difficult and do require a substantial amount of studying for students that are new to a topic. What Are the Drawbacks? Earning an online degree by taking tests has some major drawbacks. In particular, students miss out on what some consider are the most important aspects of the college experience. When you take a test instead of a class, you miss out on interacting with a professor, networking with your peers, and learning as a part of a community. Additionally, the required tests are challenging and the unstructured nature of studying alone can lead many students to simply give up. In order to be successful with this approach, students need to be particularly driven and disciplined. What Kinds of Tests Can I Take? The tests that you take will depend on your colleges requirements. You may end up taking university tests monitored online, university tests monitored at a designated testing location (such as a local library), or external tests. External tests such as the College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) can help you bypass courses in specialized subjects such as U.S. History, Marketing, or College Algebra. These tests can be taken with proctored supervision at a variety of locations. What Kinds of Colleges Accept Test Scores? Keep in mind that many earn a degree fast and test out of college advertisements are scams. When choosing to earn a degree primarily through examination, it is essential that you enroll in a legitimate, accredited online college. The widest form of accreditation is regional accreditation. Accreditation from the Distance Education Training Council (DETC) is also gaining traction. Regionally accredited programs that are well-known for awarding credit by exam include: Thomas Edison State College, Excelsior College, Charter Oak State College, and Western Governors University. Are Degrees-By-Examination Considered Legitimate? If you choose an accredited online college, your degree should be considered legitimate by employers and other educational institutions. There should be no difference between the degree you earn through proving your knowledge through test taking and the degree another online student earns through coursework.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Role and Functions of the European Medicines Agency Research Paper

The Role and Functions of the European Medicines Agency - Research Paper Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the agency is made up of a Secretariat (ca. 600 staff), a board of management, a total of 6 scientific committees (human, herbal and veterinary products, orphan drugs, pediatrics and advanced therapies) and a number of scientific working parties (European Medicines Agency. 13 September 2011). The organization is well structured into five units which are mutually related to each other in terms of operation and services. The EMA derives its resources from over forty National Competent Authorities and over 4500 experts from all over European Union countries(European Medicines Agency. 13 September 2011). Although the Community pharmaceutical legislation is based essentially on the Single Market provisions of the EU Treaty, the primary stakeholders obviously include patients and healthcare professionals who operate in quite different healthcare delivery systems (HMA Strategy Paper, 2007). While maintaining regular checks on the manufacturing of biotechnological products, the EMA agency provides for relevant advice to the pharmaceutical companies and caters for the public interest. The field of medicine is a very sensitive area since it embodies the life of an individual and animals as well. Therefore, there has been a need to provide a quality assessment in the medicinal field in order to ascertain safety, efficiency, and quality in the process of manufacturing pharmaceuticals(HMA Strategy Paper, 2007). These require detailed assessment by an external body (EMA) which acts as autonomous body capable of carrying out its activities without the influence or engagement of political entities. Medicines are meant to improve quality of life; any deviation to the expected standards of requirement has devastating effect on the human and animal health.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Tom Peters on Uncertainty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tom Peters on Uncertainty - Essay Example There is a great challenge to management to meet the changing landscape and capitalize on the new economies. Tom Peters was telling us that there is a brave new world of business and our management structures and organizations must be equipped to meet the uncertainty of the 21st century. The post bureaucratic era has introduced many new norms for institutions and business. While the staid structures of clearly defined hierarchy may have served history well, they can not keep pace with the speed of change in today's world. By understanding that we are faced with continual uncertainty, organizations can restructure to take advantage of that change. Networking and team concept approaches can offer the ability of an organization to react and act in the face of sudden change. While many opportunities will exist, it is the organizational structure most adept at handling change that will define the success from the failure. The globalization of capitalism has also presented new markets and manufacturing bases. Yet, here again the organization is faced with uncertainty. The firm may find itself embroiled in international politics or environmental issues that may threaten to sink their investment. The venture must be structured in such a fashion that they can withstand the assault of the unknown.